For he who sows to his own flesh (lower nature, sensuality) will from the flesh reap decay and ruin and destruction, but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. Weight loss puts the focus in the wrong place and often leads to gaining more weight.
The truth is that God has created us to live perfect healthy lives. Worry will bring us more worry and in that way, trying to lose weight will not help our weight loss efforts. God has given us a wonderful principle of sowing and reaping (II Cor 9:6-10) which counteracts the failure of the world's weight loss strategies.
The venus factor is a weight loss program that is designed for women. If your Venus index is higher than normal, you are supposed to lose weight; however, if the index is low, you should plan on gaining weight.
Other than guiding you on how to determine your Venus index, the program also has the following: body centric eating guide, workout manual and schedule, and community membership.
The body centric eating guide shows you the foods that you should eat to achieve your ideal shape and weight. Leptin is a hormone that aids in increasing the rate of metabolism; therefore, when the levels of leptin are high, the rate of metabolism is high thus you lose weight fast. Venus factor exercises are aimed at regulating body fat, and toning and sculpting body muscles. The Venus factor goes for only $47.